
I’d hope that someone in my eulogy describes me as “relentlessly curious”.

I absolutely love learning. Sometimes I don’t really care what it is that I’m learning - I just love the feeling of struggling at a new craft and improving over time.

I tend to have phases of extreme curiosity about very disconnected topics - like sunscreen or blockchain. Typically, I’ll do a massive deep dive and then act on the curiosity through some side project.

For example, in 2019 I got curious about building a D2C brand. I ended up building 3 different stores in the span of the next few months, one which ended up doing $3k a month in revenue. I learnt a lot about Facebook Ads, SEO, optimizing storefronts, etc. Once I felt satisfied, I shut most of the stores down.

This website itself is one of those side projects. I’m currently super curious about building an online presence and publishing written content.

Some other fun facts about me:

  • Born in the East (Bangalore). Raised in the West (Toronto).
  • I’ve done everything from mobile development, circuit design, machine learning, data science, and product management.
  • I've played for the Canadian national cricket team. (yes that’s a real thing). Someone even made a Wikipedia page on me!

And I like all the generic stuff - reading, food, travel, watching movies (in theatres - not at home), hanging out with family and friends, etc.

For a deeper dive, check out this blog post on my core beliefs.

That’s it! 👋